Zotero 5_Win10_How group libraries sync ?


On web Zotero, i want only to share references from the group libraries because references are cleaned and ready to share. I think on of my settings below is wrong.

Do group libraries only sync when My library is synced ?

on the local (computer) Zotero

sync settings / data sync / choose libraries to sync :
my library = unchecked
group library = checked

* Files sync :
sync attached files of My library = checked
sync attached files of group libraries = checked

* Local Interface
my library = full of references
Group library = full of references

on the web Zotero

* web Interface
My library = empty = ok as i don't want to share these references
Group library = empty = not correct, i want to share these references so i want them to appear.

Thank you for your support.
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