APA citing Hebrew and English

Using MSword and writing a paper in Hebrew, but have both Hebrew and English sources. I searched these forums and find all sorts of answers but didn't succeed in implementing.
Found this xml code https://github.com/citation-style-language/locales/blob/master/locales-he-IL.xml but I don't realy know what to do with it.
Installed Juris-m, as many of you reccomended, and tried the multilingual record instruction found here- https://juris-m.github.io/posts/2020-11-08-0.html but didn't work.
Where can I find a step-by-step instruction of what to do?
Thank you in advanced
  • Can you give an example of what you want your references list to look like?
  • edited December 1, 2021
    Yes, thenk you, bewiernik.
    For example: (Bitton et al., 2017; אדסקי et al., 2011) OR (גולדסטון & בלייך קימלמן, 2012)
    1- Instead of et al there should be a hebrew word ואחרים. and instead of & there shoud be the letter ו.
    2- The order of entries should be Hebrew first and then English
    3- When wrighting a Hebrew paper the text direction messes the citetion the parenthesis.

    There are a few discussions here in the forums about that issue (https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/comment/355686#Comment_355686) but I do not understand where in the CSL I should change the code.
    And the same happens in Juris-m. I tried changing the language preferences but I must be doing somethins wrong because it's not working.

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