Request for JHCPU citation style to be added


I am submitting to the Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved and am using the NLM grants format in Zotero which is similar to the style requested by the journal but still there are some differences (

For example:
Journal article (GIVE COMPLETE PUBLICATION DATE PLUS VOLUME AND NUMBER. PubMed citations may be used as a guide):
1. Zuckerman B, Frank DA, Hingson R, et al. Effects of maternal marijuana and cocaine use on fetal growth. N Engl J Med. 1989 Mar 23;320(12):762-8.

But the NLM style does not give the full publication date or put et al. after 3 authors.

Will it be possible to add the JHCPU format to Zotero?

Swarnali Goswami
PhD Candidate
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