Entering reference causes pages to delete and multiple reference lists to be created

For the first time in the past year of using Zotero, I am having a problem with it. I tried to add appendices after my reference section, and then the reference section duplicated itself AND the appendices got deleted. I closed everything, restarted my computer, opened a new document and put the appendices before the references, but the exact same thing keeps happening - it is deleting 3 pages of appendices and adding an extra reference section. Any ideas of why this might be happening and how to fix it?
  • To save you time, although I cannot answer your question -

    Please state the operating system and what word processor you are using.
  • My OS is Windows 10 and word processor is MS Word.
  • I've just realized that it's happening when I try and enter a reference in a footnote (though I've entered references in footnotes before and never had this happen). When I enter the reference, it deletes the entire document and creates a reference list instead.
  • If you can reproduce this in a new document, can you provide the exact steps to reproduce?
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