Management Style Request: Academy of Management Journal

Following the advice here:

In this post I will provide links to the desired style guide and the source style guide on which I believe it is based. If other folks care enough to help out, they can jump in and help to identify/analyze the differences between the journal's style and the source style.

From what I understand, someone else might eventually come along and create the style document from our efforts.

Academy of Management Journal Citation Guide

Based on the APA style:

  • I haven't done a full analysis, but I did notice one difference:

    For works with seven or more authors, for AMJ cite only the first author followed by et al. even in the first citation. (as opposed to six or more in APA)
  • Problems?

    I think there is a problem with the ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT JOURNAL Citation Style:

    In my documnent a book chapter appears like this (Philip Hancock & Tyler, 2000)

    Hancock, P., & Tyler, M. 2000. The look of love – gender and the organization of aesthetics. In J. Hassard, R. Holliday, & H. C. Willmott (Hrsg.), Body and Organization: 108–129. London: Sage.

    Could anybody check on this?
  • what exactly is the problem? Just the Hrsg. instead of ed.?
  • No - I think there should not be the first name

    it should be: (Hancock & Tyler, 2000) -
    instead of (Philip Hancock & Tyler, 2000)
  • Oh thanks!
    I was just not aware of this. There were 2 Hancocks in the database.
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