Using WebDAV but some files are still syncing to Zotero storage?

I have been testing the iOS app, as well as the 5.0.97-beta.56+32a5826a1 beta on Linux. I wanted to try using WebDAV, and it was pretty easy to point both the desktop and iOS apps to my WebDAV server. I could then see on my server a bunch of .zip and .prop files.

To avoid having duplicate files in different places, I then wanted to delete attached PDFs from the web library. However, once I do so, the file gets removed from the local Zotero entry as well. I initially thought that since these were now pointing to WebDAV, it would be safe to delete the attachments from the web library. Am I understanding things incorrectly? Is there a way to remove my files from Zotero storage now that I'm using WebDAV?
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