Chicago Manual of Style 17th - full note, short title subsequent - NEED different format

My institution desires the format of the subsequent short title note to be more specific than what Chicago 17th and Turabian 9th. The title of a work that contains a colon should only utilize the title before the colon in subsequent references. Is there a way to do this, possibly in editing the code, without unlinking my citations and editing them? Currently, when using Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition (full note, short title subsequent), the full title is used rather than the first part before the colon. I would like to have the citations look like the following example:

1. Scott B. Rae, Moral Choices: An Introduction to Ethics (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2009), 26.

2. Rae, Moral Choices, 134.
  • Zotero uses whatever is in the short title field towards the bottom of the right panel. That's the only option (other than using the whole title)
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