request a 'national science review' style?
it is a numbered format in the main text, with numbers of blue color
for the full biblograph format, it is like: Dufils T, Sator N and Guillot B. Properties of planetary silicate melts by molecular dynamics simulation. Chem Geol 2018; 493: 298–315
(volume in bold)
it is a numbered format in the main text, with numbers of blue color
for the full biblograph format, it is like: Dufils T, Sator N and Guillot B. Properties of planetary silicate melts by molecular dynamics simulation. Chem Geol 2018; 493: 298–315
(volume in bold)
You'll want to provide the EXACT examples that we have outlined there and provide the rest also.
This site can’t be reached took too long to respond.
the link of the journal is mentioned above, you can easily collect all the necessary information by having a look at the website...
the coding mode zotero edtior should really be replaced with a simple and easy to use wysiwyg mode, just like that in endnote -- any endnote users can easily finish their style editor within only seconds, whatever their background.
A link to online style documentation (e.g. for a journal, this would generally be a link to the journal's "Instructions to Authors" section).
For journals, the journal's ISSN (print version) and/or e-ISSN (online version). If you can't find this information on the journal website, try looking up the journal in the NLM Catalog.
Two citations, for a journal article and a book chapter, in the format of the style you're requesting. Create these citations for the two items shown below, the article by Campbell and Pedersen and book chapter by Mares. If your request does not contain these specific citations, you will be asked to revise it. Provide both in-text citations and bibliographic entries. For, e.g., the APA style, these citations would look like:
In-text citation:
(Campbell & Pedersen, 2007)
(Mares, 2001)
Campbell, J. L., & Pedersen, O. K. (2007). The varieties of capitalism and hybrid success. Comparative Political Studies, 40(3), 307–332.
Mares, I. (2001). Firms and the welfare state: When, why, and how does social policy matter to employers? In P. A. Hall & D. Soskice (Eds.), Varieties of capitalism. The institutional foundations of comparative advantage (pp. 184–213). New York: Oxford University Press.
Finally, if possible, also provide a link to a freely available paper formatted with the style you're requesting. Published papers often help clarify formatting requirements not discussed in the style guide. For journals that aren't open access, you can often find a free sample issue, or you maybe be able to find a freely available PDF of a recent journal article via, e.g., Google Scholar.
Online ISSN 2053-714X Print ISSN 2095-5138
In-text citation:
[the numbers should be blue in color]
1. Ardia, P, Hirschmann, MM, Withers, AC, et al. Solubility of CH4 in a synthetic basaltic melt, with applications to atmosphere-magma ocean-core partitioning of volatiles and to the evolution of the Martian atmosphere. Geochim Cosmochim Acta. 2013; 114: 52-71.
2. Keppler, H, Smyth, JR. Water in Nominally Anhydrous Minerals. Washington DC: Mineralogical Society of America; 2006.
3. Beran, A, Libowitzky, E. Water in natural mantle minerals II: olivine, garnet and accessory minerals. In: Keppler, H, Smyth, JR (eds.). Water in Nominally Anhydrous Minerals. Washington D C: Mineralogical Society of America; 2006. 169-91.
[1, journal format; 2, book; 3, book section. volume in the journal format should be bold; journal name should be italic, and title of book should be italic]
Link to a published paper:
We have that very style available: