classical citations
Most often, citations to classical works in Latin, or Greek -- are in
a standard form that is independent of what physical edition is being used.
for example, a reference to Aeschylus, The Suppliants, lines 40-57
will be given like this:
Aeschylus. Supplices 40-57
A reference to Thucydides The Peloponnesian War
might be given as Thucydides 4.8.3-9
see for other examples, and more discussion.
so, i wonder how one goes about inserting a new type that would support this
sort of reference? one of my thoughts is to allow difference resolvers for
different openURL formats, since this work depends on a specific resolver.
a standard form that is independent of what physical edition is being used.
for example, a reference to Aeschylus, The Suppliants, lines 40-57
will be given like this:
Aeschylus. Supplices 40-57
A reference to Thucydides The Peloponnesian War
might be given as Thucydides 4.8.3-9
see for other examples, and more discussion.
so, i wonder how one goes about inserting a new type that would support this
sort of reference? one of my thoughts is to allow difference resolvers for
different openURL formats, since this work depends on a specific resolver.
The format of the cite is independent, not only of the physical edition, but also of the citation style used? Examples of what doesn't work correctly would help us figure out what the problem is an how to solve it.
Concerning the format of the citation in the text, my point was that some citation style will govern the formatting of other, non-classical references in the document. Is the form "Aeschylus. Supplices 40-57" meant to be used regardless of whether the chosen citation style for other references is, say, Chicago Note or MLA?
Does that sound like a workable solution?
Thank you
PS: If you're interested in the nitty-gritty behind the scenes, the documentation on the processor functionality for selective production of bibliographies is here. Zotero would need to provide a mechanism for passing through category tags to the processor's bibliography function. With that in place, it would just be a matter of working out how to produce the desired in-text form in the in-text or in-footnote citations in the style.
I can edit the citations as adamsmith suggests, but I think that a simpler option would be for the Add/Edit Citation dialog to have a "suppress ibid." checkbox next to the "suppress author" one. This saves users from manually creating the citation (possibly with typos) and means that the citation can automatically turn into a full one if it becomes the first one due to the deletion of the previous citation (not unlikely in a document like a book or thesis).
I will have the following series of footnotes:
1. Doe, Title, 10.
2. The source for this topos is TB Sotah 8a. See also ibid., 11.
TB is the babylonian Talmud and entered manually. The ibid. refers to "Doe, Title" from note 1. The "ibid." is misplace here. Is there a way to avoid the "ibid." in that place?
With MLZ and the abbreviation filter plugin you can configure an abbreviation (like TB or TB Sotah) for a classical source and it will be excluded from the bibliography automatically so this may well be worthwhile for you to explore. Personally my recommendation would be to test MLZ in a separate Firefox profile rather than update your regular Zotero copy, since going back from MLZ is a bit cumbersome (though not impossible).
Also, while Frank has been very good about supporting it and by all accounts it's been very stable, you do have less support infrastructure and it has fewer users, so you do get less testing.
Is there any chance that some of MLZ's features are going to be in standard Zotero any time? Or is there a special reason why they are not? The abbreviation filter seems to be a very interesting feature. Also the multilingual capabilities.
The biggest reason they're not currently implemented is that doing this right would require database model changes and those in turn affect syncing so implementing these changes is rather complex. There are changes under way that should make this easier in the future. A first update of fields and item types is planned for 4.2
The abbreviation filter does, I believe, already work with regular Zotero, but the specific functionality you're after wouldn't work because Zotero doesn't have classical sources.
I am a new user of Zotero, and absolutely fresh user of references management programs.
I am running Word on MAC ad just installed Zotero to manage references for my project.
I am working in field of philology and refer often to critical editions of sources (medieval literature).
Do I understand it correctly that there is no way to generate automatically separate bibliography of primary sources (sorted by title) and secondary literature (sorted by author/editor) and all the references to the primary sources have to be done manually?
If yes it is really unfortunate. Does anyone know if/when such a feature will be added?