Shortcut problems in Zotero 5.0.97-beta.55+3b993b2af

On Win 10. I can't get the shortcuts under Preferences to work properly. I have disabled all add-ons (including Zutilo, Zotfile, and BBT) and restarted. Two problems are:

- focus library pane shortcut instead focuses on item pane
- I had the shortcut for 'new item' as Ctrl+Shift+N and 'new note' as Ctrl+Shift+O, I switched them and restarted, and Ctrl+Shift+O does create a new item, but Ctrl+Shift+N does nothing.

Troubleshooting suggestions?
  • focus library pane shortcut instead focuses on item pane
    That's a recent regression. I've fixed it for the next beta — thanks.
    I had the shortcut for 'new item' as Ctrl+Shift+N and 'new note' as Ctrl+Shift+O, I switched them and restarted, and Ctrl+Shift+O does create a new item, but Ctrl+Shift+N does nothing.
    If you switch them back and restart Zotero, does Ctrl+Shift+N work? If something is conflicting it should conflict regardless of the assigned command.

    Can you provide a Debug ID for pressing Ctrl+Shift+N and having nothing happen?
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