Change "editor" for "directeur"

In the french version of Zotero, there is the option "éditeur" (editor) for collective books. In french we would rather say "directeur" (director). This poses a problem. Instead of having a citation like this:
"Masculinity and Attitudes to Chastity...», Joanna De Groot et Sue Morgan, dir., Sex, Gender and the Sacred: Reconfiguring Religion in Gender History, Blackwell Publishing, 2014, p. 225‑240

Zotero generates a citation like this :
"Masculinity and Attitudes to Chastity...», Joanna De Groot et Sue Morgan, éd., Sex, Gender and the Sacred: Reconfiguring Religion in Gender History, Blackwell Publishing, 2014, p. 225‑240

Is there a way to change the indication "éd." for "dir." in citations and bibliography?
I use the style Université Laval - Département des sciences historiques
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