Safari connector, Safari 15, Zotero 5.0.97-beta.52+59455ebfa

Was excited to see Zotero Connector 5.0.92 listed as an extension on Safari 15 (which ships with macOS Monterey) when running the 5.0.97 Beta. Unfortunately, even when ticking the box to switch it on, the icon does not appear in the extensions section of the menu bar.
  • edited November 1, 2021
    Note that the Zotero Connector for Safari has been available in the Zotero beta for two years — there's nothing new there with Safari 15. We're hoping that Monterey fixes the problem of sometimes needing to uninstall and reinstall the Zotero app to restore the Safari extension after the app updates, as described there, but we're still trying to determine if it does.

    Is this your first time trying to turn on the Safari connector?

    If you restart your computer and try again, does it appear?

    If you delete the Zotero beta app from Applications and install it again, does it work after that?
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