Download all files to local computer

This discussion was created from comments split from: Downloading PDFs to my PC from Zotero..
  • Second that request.

    1. zotero stores all attachments to citations in zotero online library

    2. when in desktop app, pressing "sync" does only download and populate the citation text, which in my case is about 2.8 MB large

    3. zotero online library storage saved all my PDFs, screenshots, jpegs, and even webpage snapshots online, which is about 290MB

    4. in order to trigger download of the online content to my local PC harddrive, it is necessary to first open the citation item, then double click the attachment, or Right-click "View Online"

    5. As a proof, before triggering the download from the desktop app, here is the message from Zotero desktop: " The attached file could not be found at the following path:

    /Users/zzzzzz/Zotero/storage/MTIPWNN2/Santhanam et al. - 2012 - Thermoelectrically Pumped Light-Emitting Diodes Op.html

    It may have been moved or deleted outside of Zotero, or, if the file was added on another computer, it may not yet have been synced to or from

    6. After right-clicking "View Snapshot", the files for that particular record will be downloaded into the user Zotero directory.

    Question remains: if I want to backup the ENTIRE zotero online storage files including attachments, what option remains in order NOT to click on each and every item attachment, as katherine.chu points out? We have thousands of records... Aim is to backup the old and purge the online DB.
  • @mosi: If you want to download all files, you just need to have file syncing set to "at sync time" in the Sync preferences. See Files Not Syncing if you're still having trouble after that.
  • edited October 28, 2021
    @dstillman ::
    1. Hitting "Reset Filesync history" On the next sync, Zotero will check all attachment files in “My Library” against the storage service. Any remote attachment files that are missing locally will be downloaded, and local attachment files missing remotely will be uploaded.

    2. about 20 attachments, snapshots and PDFs which I locally manually double-clicked about 30 minutes ago are being synced and properly downloaded

    3. the rest, about 980 attachments remains where it was before: online, on zotero servers

    The one and only option is left: manually click all the 980 records and double click on each attachment to download from server...
  • If you're having trouble, you need to provide the information requested in the Files Not Syncing page.

    You absolutely don't need to double-click each attachment to download it.
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