Asian Myrmecology - citation style request


Requesting a CSL style for Asian Myrmecology journal, to format a paper in prep.

Read the instructions on and furnishing info required below.


A link to online style documentation (e.g. for a journal, this would generally be a link to the journal's "Instructions to Authors" section) the manuscript.-,References,-Authors are encouraged


For journals, the journal's ISSN (print version) and/or e-ISSN (online version). If you can't find this information on the journal website, try looking up the journal in the NLM Catalog.

ISSN: 1985-1944

eISSN: 2462-2362



Two citations, for a journal article and a book chapter, in the format of the style you're requesting. Create these citations for the two items shown below, the article by Campbell and Pedersen and book chapter by Mares. If your request does not contain these specific citations, you will be asked to revise it. Provide both in-text citations and bibliographic entries.

In-text citation:
(Campbell & Pedersen 2007)
(Mares 2001)

[other examples]
(Mares et al. 2000) for more than 2 authors
(Mares 2000a, b) for multiple citations with same author year

Campbell JL and Pedersen OK, (2007). The varieties of capitalism and hybrid success. Comparative Political Studies 40(3), 307-332

Mares I, 1988. Firms and the welfare state: When, why, and how does social policy matter to employers? In: Varieties of capitalism. The institutional foundations of comparative advantage (Hall PA and Soskice D, eds.), Oxford University Press, New York, 184-213.

[other examples]

Reference to book:
Hölldobler B and Wilson EO, 1990. The Ants. Springer Verlag, Berlin, 732 pp.

Reference to unpublished thesis or report:
Mezger D, 2010. Litter and soil ants in tropical rain forests: How are their diversity, community and food web structured by environmental factors? A case study from four forest types of Sarawak, Malaysia. PhD thesis. University of Ulm, Ulm, 232 pp.

Reference to article on the Internet:
Eguchi K, 2005. Important characters for sorting and identifying Indo-Malayan Pheidole species. Downloaded from on 9 May 2006.


Freely available paper for reference > "Get PDF"

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