Import contributors to Zotero (Bibtex or Refer)

I'm trying to convert my JabRef database into Zotero. My database deals with 4 different kinds of authors: author, editor, translator and contributor (secondary author in my JabRef database). Luckily, Zotero can handle all four types.
But unfortunately, I seem not to be able to import all of them. Bibtex doesn't support 4 kinds of authors, but actually Refer/Endnote does: %A for author, %E for editor, %Y and %? for translator and contributor. But Zotero seems to ignore the "%Y" field. Therefore I cannot import the contributor field.
What am I doing wrong? Is there any possibility to import contributors?
  • You aren't doing anything wrong. However, I do not think there is consensus on what '%Y' stands for. JabRef does export MODS XML. Have you tried to see if that format might preserve this? Zotero's MODS importer does support the roles you listed.
  • noksagt, thank you for the hint. I have been trying to play around with MODS a bit and I don't see how it could work.
    JabRef's MODS exporter is not sufficient - but that could be fixed by some searching/replacing.
    Zotero doesn't even correctly import the MODS files it has created itself. Some fields are lost in the proces (I could deal with that) and all authors/editors/contributors/translators are imported as "author".
    Any ideas how contributors could still be imported correctly?
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