Request - Open external PDF reader by default

Hello. First of all, thanks for your wonderful works devs.

I know someone already mentioned this topic and dismissed.

We don't have native Android client for Zotero. This means that Android users cannot read and annotate seamlessly without help of third party PDF reader.

Zoo for Zotero Android is quite good app for this library management, but when you read the PDF on a desktop, you must open PDFs with external PDF reader because Android Zoo for Zotero cannot read Zotero beta PDF reader's annotations. (It is not the dev of Zoo's fault; he doesn't have any duty to make the client. Zotero devs also have limited time, making unplanned Android client is surely overkill, then we hope to an option to open PDFs directly via external PDF reader.)

If devs do not plan to make official Android client, then Android users should spend more click every time they go back and forth between mobile and desktop. So it would be great to have an option to open directly via external reader.
  • If you can't use a mobile client that can read Zotero's annotations, presumably you wouldn't want to use Zotero's PDF reader at all, right? In that case you can just disable it in the preferences, which will cause PDFs to open in an external reader like they did previously.

    The main downside is that that will also currently disable the new note editor. In Zotero 6, the new note editor will be used even if you choose to open PDFs externally.
  • Thank you for the answer. New note editor is superb, so it is good news!
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