Cambridge Journals Import problems: characters and keywords

I could successfully grab articles from, with pdf. But there seems to be a problem with character encoding: all characters with a diacritic, such as á, ú, result in a question mark in Zotero. A dash '-' also became '?'.

Possibly related, the keywords are imported all into one tag, which then contains a bunch of comma-separated keywords.

This was with the Journal of Latin American Studies.
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  • The question marks exist in the files they're exporting. You can see for yourself by going to an article's Abstract page and using the Export Citation link. Any format you choose (even HTML) will have the question marks. So you'd have to contact them about this.

    Do you have an example of an article that demonstrates the tag issue?
  • Ah, I see.

    About the tag issue: e.g. The article by Riguzzi. 2009. 'From Globalisation to Revolution? The Porfirian Political Economy: An Essay on Issues and Interpretations'. Journal of Latin American Studies, 41.2. pp. 347-368.

    is tagged with one single tag:

    "Porfiriato, Mexican economy, Mexican Revolution, first globalisation, Porfiriato, econom?a mexicana, Revoluci?n Mexicana, primera globalizaci?n, Porfiriato, economia mexicana, Revolu??o Mexicana, primeira globaliza??o."
  • I've created a ticket for the tag issue (which is basically their fault as well, but the workaround in Zotero's translator isn't working as it should).
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