Editing Zotero Macro in Microsoft Word

My school's style guide for MA theses requires the use of full-height footnote numbers followed by a period + an 'en space.' I have a macro created in Word that does this for me whenever I insert a new footnote through the 'Insert' menu or via keyboard shortcut. However, this macro is overridden when I use the Zotero plugin to insert a citation. I can manually fix this by highlighting the footnote number in the body of my document and using the keyboard shortcut for a new footnote, which then changes the corresponding footnote number to height. However, the original macro sequence is disrupted by the fact that there is already text in the footnote; this results in a period + en space being inserted at the end of the citation (e.g., "1 Wilson, 132–33.. "). This wouldn't be a major hassle if there were only a few footnotes; but in an MAThesis, this obviously becomes quite the hassle.

My question is: Is it possible to either edit my existing macro or the ZoteroInsertCitation macro, or to create an entirely new macro, that will solve this problem? The ideal scenario would be that inserting a citation through the Zotero plugin automatically creates a full-height footnote number + period and en space. I am not very savvy with creating macros, and only added my original one after finding precise instructions online. I appreciate any guidance!

Also, in case it matters, I am using the most recent version of Word (16.54) through a Microsoft 365 subscription and the Society of Biblical Literature 2nd ed (full note) style. I have also pasted the original Macro sequence for my full-height footnotes below.

Sub InsertFootnoteNow()
' InsertFootnoteNow Macro
' Inserts a footnote reference at the insertion point
ActiveDocument.Footnotes.Add Range:=Selection.Range
With Selection
.Paragraphs(1).Range.Characters(2) = ""
.InsertAfter "." & ChrW(8194)
.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
End With
End Sub
  • You can change the Word Style "Footnote Reference" to change the footnote number to not be superscript. You don't need a macro for that. I don't think you can insert the dot and en-space without a macro though.

    Your best bet for use with Zotero is to first insert a footnote using your custom macro and then use Zotero's Add/Edit Citation button with the cursor already in the Footnote. Zotero then will insert a citation at cursor's location.
  • Thank you, @adomasven! I didn't realize that I could insert the Zotero citation within the footnote. That solves my problem!
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