Is 50 the limit of child note you can drag-drop to a document?

edited October 8, 2021
Hello everyone,

Seems like I could export 50 child notes by drag and drop on a libre office 7.2 writing document, and on a google doc too, but not 51. It means a volume of 74 pages with librewriter default settings and 182'900 characters. This from zotero beta.

A. I would like to export all the notes I took within the last month/week, so that I got a diary, log of my note
B. I see Zotero as a reference manager and note-taking app (the new beta is amazing), but would like to maintain my writing workflow with libreoffice (google doc maybe). So the last part of the workflow would to be to use master document with librewriter, and other stuffs.
C. sort of ideal would be to automatize this exportation in folder titled /note-september2021 (Is it posible with macros or a task scheduler? )

what I did:
1. save search with all item containing a child note
2. use that saved search to de-select the parent item with another safe-search (couldn't do it all at once, if anybody has a better option)
3. drag and drop the notes: see a forbidden sign when waving on a libreoffice doc ; while google doc does not show a sign but nothing happens
4. make 3rd saved search with note only within 80 days
5. trial and errors until I observe that 50 seems to be the limit for the number of child note I can export i.e. that librewriter let me paste on a doc (same for google doc, on edge).

last :
It's not a fundamental issue because 50 child notes mean 80 days as for my needs, but I thought it would worth the sharing.

found this thread looking up "limit 50" but not sure it is related

So anything to mention as for limits in that concern?
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