Zotfile problem installing on new mac

I am having a problem installing zotfile on my new macbook air. The version of Zotero I'm currently using is .

I am able to download the zotfile plugin but when I double click to install it, I get the message: "There is no application set to open the document “zotfile-5.0.16-fx.xpi”.

Also, the installation instructions say "For Zotero 5, first download the extension file (follow the download link above, click on the .xpi file for the most recent release). Now start Zotero 5 and go to “Tool -> Add-ons -> Tools for all Add-ons (the small, drop-down wheel in the top right corner) -> Install Add-on From File” and select the downloaded .xpi file."
However, "add-ons" doesn't give me a "tools for all Add-ons" option.

I also see that in the "about Zotero" window there is a mention of an app called "Xpdf" - have any of you used that instead of zotfile?

Thanks in advance for any advice!
  • Xpdf is something else.
    Tools for all add-ons is not something it will say on the screen. It's an icon, either a small cogwheel or I think a crossed hammer
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