storage full, how to remove uploaded files?


i made a mistake in checking preference options and tried to sync all my files, not just files from my joined groups. now my storage is full. is there a way to removed the uploaded files and free up some of my online storage?

  • To clarify—groups only count against the storage quota for the group owner. If you are just a member of a group, it doesn’t affect your storage.

    You can toggle file syncing for My Library in the Sync pane of Zotero settings. You can control file storage preferences for each group library from the group settings on the Zotero website.

    To purge files from Zotero’s servers, go to and click “Purge Storage”. But I’m not sure this is necessary in your case?

    Zotero won't reupload files in group libraries you own unless you do Reset File Sync History in the Sync -> Reset pane of the Zotero preferences.
  • (Purging storage only affects My Library, though, so that wouldn't affect group libraries at all. There's no way to remove the online copies of files in group libraries without deleting the attachment items, since the whole point of groups is for members to have access to everything.)
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