WinWord Integration 3a2: disambiguate-add-year-suffix does not work properly

I am having trouble with the adding of a letter to the year in case of an ambiguity. It does not work for me (using APA style). The sort also fails, so my bibliography renders as follows (shortened):
Vargo, S. L., & Lusch, R. F. (2004). Evolving ...
Vargo, S. L., & Lusch, R. F. (2008). Service-dominan...
Vargo, S. L., & Lusch, R. F. (2004). The Four ...

This feature works fine on new test documents I have created but does not work in some production documents.
I have tried removing the affected citations and readding them. This solves the problem only when the citations are placed closely together - ie directly together. Apparently something between the individual citations must be preventing this feature from working properly. Unfortunately, I cannot tell what this is.

I am using Zotero 2b7.2, WinWord Integration 3a2 and MS Word 2007.
  • Short follow up:
    Adding the two ambiguous citations to the begging of the document close together resolves the issue for the rest of the document. As soon as they are removed though the citations as well as the bibliography return to their previous state.

    Obviously this workaround is not a permanent solution.

    I hope this helps understand the problem.
  • I've had the same problem using any style that requires disambiguate-add-year (for example the American Political Science style or the example partial style shown below). You can see below what the problem really is. Zotero seems to ignore the disambiguate-add-year statement and instead it adds authors until the references are different.
    I am using Zotero 2.0b7.6 and Mozzilla Firefox 3.5.7 running on Ubuntu 9.10


    Single Citations
    Lehner and Doll [2004]
    McMahon, Peel, et al. [2007]
    McMahon, Vogel, Peel, et al. [2007]
    McMahon, Vogel, Pegram, et al. [2007]

    Multi Citations
    Lehner and Doll [2004]; McMahon, Peel, et al. [2007]; McMahon, Vogel,
    Peel, et al. [2007]; McMahon, Vogel, Pegram, et al. [2007]

    Lehner, B., and P. Doll (2004), Development and validation of a global
    database of lakes, reservoirs and wetlands, Journal of Hydrology, 296, 1
    - 22.

    McMahon, T. A., M. C. Peel, R. M. Vogel, and G. G. S. Pegram (2007),
    Global streamflows - Part 3: Country and climate zone characteristics,
    Journal of Hydrology, 347, 272 - 291.

    McMahon, T. A., R. M. Vogel, M. C. Peel, and G. G. S. Pegram (2007),
    Global streamflows - Part 1: Characteristics of annual streamflows,
    Journal of Hydrology, 347, 243 - 259.

    McMahon, T. A., R. M. Vogel, G. G. S. Pegram, M. C. Peel, and D. Etkin
    (2007), Global streamflows - Part 2: Reservoir storage-yWd performance,
    Journal of Hydrology, 347, 260 - 271.


    <macro name="year-date">
    <date variable="issued" prefix=" [" suffix="]">
    <date-part name="year"/>

    <macro name="author-short">
    <names variable="author">
    <name form="short" and="text" delimiter=", " initialize-with=". "/>
    <names variable="editor"/>
    <names variable="translator"/>
    <text macro="title-short"/>
    <text macro="year-date"/>
    <text variable="locator"/>

    <option name="et-al-min" value="3"/>
    <option name="et-al-use-first" value="2"/>
    <option name="et-al-subsequent-min" value="1"/>
    <option name="et-al-subsequent-use-first" value="1"/>
    <option name="disambiguate-add-year-suffix" value="true"/>
    <option name="disambiguate-add-names" value="true"/>
    <option name="disambiguate-add-givenname" value="true"/>
    <option name="collapse" value="year-suffix"/>
    <layout prefix="" suffix="" delimiter="; ">
    <group delimiter=":">
    <text macro="author-short"/>
  • edited January 18, 2010
    @hydrodelta: In your case, the style is doing what it is meant to do. It has three disambiguation options set: disambiguate-add-names; disambiguate-add-givenname; and disambiguate-add-year-suffix. These are always applied in that order, with add-names as the highest priority, followed by add-givennames if add-names didn't succeed, and finally by year-suffix if adding or expanding given names still didn't distinguish the references. Logically, they have to be applied in that order; if year-suffix were tried first, it would always succeed, and names would not be added.

    If you want to disambiguate with year-suffix, and never add names, remove the two other options.
  • what Frank says plus:
    if you think this is wrong for APSA and you can point to the relevant section in the style guide please let us know so we can change it.
  • Frank was right, thank you very much for the fix and for the quick response. Removing the other two disambiguation options fixed my problem.

    I wrongly assumed that the order of the disambiguation options was top to bottom. Until I removed them I didn't get the expected results.

    Thanks again!
  • Hello, I have the same problem - I have two citations with the same author and from the same year but Zotero Word plugin is not disambiguate them by adding the suffixes. What should I do?
  • How do the citations look now? Which citation style?
  • Citation style is Harvard - Bournemouth University. The citations are:
    Kaminen‐Ahola et al. 2010 and
    Kaminen‐Ahola et al. 2010

    even though these are two different papers. In Bibliography:

    Kaminen‐Ahola, N., Ahola, A., Flatscher‐Bader, T., Wilkins, S. J., Anderson, G. J., Whitelaw, E., and Chong, S., 2010. Postnatal growth restriction and gene expression changes in a mouse model of fetal alcohol syndrome. Birth Defects Research Part A: Clinical and Molecular Teratology, 88 (10), 818–826.
    Kaminen-Ahola, N., Ahola, A., Maga, M., Mallitt, K.-A., Fahey, P., Cox, T. C., Whitelaw, E., and Chong, S., 2010. Maternal Ethanol Consumption Alters the Epigenotype and the Phenotype of Offspring in a Mouse Model. PLoS Genet, 6 (1), e1000811.
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