1700+ bookmarks to add

I forgot that I had Zotero, because I'm an idiot. I've just been saving the links to all my research since it wasn't really formal and was just for fun, but now it looks like it might go somewhere. Now I have an unwieldy 1700+ bookmarked citations to add. Do I need to open every single one and click "Add to Zotero" or is there an easier way?
  • NO!
    Zotero does support bookmark's html files
    just export your bookmarks as HTML, go to Zotero File\Import select the file ..magic happens
  • Note, though, that that only imports the metadata in the bookmarks file itself (e.g., title). It won't run each URL through Zotero's translation process. It's possible to script the latter — see this thread for a discussion and some example scripts — but it's not really an intended workflow.
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