Cannot install Zotero LibreOffice Plugin: OpenJDK 11, LibreOffice 7.2, Windows 10

AdoptOpenJDK has migrated to the Eclipse Foundation at Adoptium. I downloaded and installed their OpenJDK11U-jdk_x64_windows_hotspot_11.0.12_7, and LibreOffice (x64) sees it no problem as being already installed (I selected it as the JRE to use in LibreOffice and pressed Save). It shows up as Vendor "Eclipse Foundation" and Version "11.0.12" in LibreOffice. When I try to install the LibreOffice Plugin, Zotero (version says "The Zotero LibreOffice Plugin requires the Java Runtime Environment. Visit to download it." and won't let me continue.

The system I am using is for both academic and commercial purposes and so I cannot use the Oracle version of Java without license encumbrance. I searched the 'net and the Zotero forums and the only thing I've found is a reference to problems with LibreOffice 7.0 which apparently have since been resolved. I also found plenty of sites that said that OpenJDK 11 should work. I have rebooted my system for good measure and it didn't help.

I'm stuck and was wondering if someone had a solution?
  • @jbotte: We're not aware of any specific JDK incompatibilities with LibreOffice 7.2, so our only advice would be to try a different JDK if the one you're using isn't working. They might know better in the LibreOffice forums. This isn't a Zotero issue — we just rely on LO's Java support. Note that there's no reason to be using JDK 11 at this point. (The LO 7.0/JDK12+ issue was Mac-only.)
  • Is it possible that the installation of Zotero on Windows at some point is path-dependent? After reformatting my computer (Win 10) I installed Libreoffice 7.2 and Zotero, JRE The wordprocessor plugin just kept giving me an installation error, asking me to close Libreoffice, that was definitely closed and not active in the background. Zotero indicated that for manual installation I should look for the extension in c:\Program Files (x86)\Zotero\...
    There however was no c:\Program Files (x86)\Zotero since I chose to change the Zotero location during installation to c:\prog\Zotero. So I just took my entire c:\prog\Zotero and copied it to c:\Program Files (x86)\Zotero. Afterwards I was able to install the Libreoffice plugin as usual.
  • edited November 29, 2021
    Installing the LibreOffice plugin definitely works from places other than the default install folder. Perhaps you did something else as well that made it fix itself. Notably LibreOffice sometimes may take some time to fully shut down (even if no windows are displayed anymore) and an attempt to install the plugin could potentially reset its full shutdown, so perhaps just waiting some time was all that mattered.
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