Style Error: [University of Limerick (Cite It Right) Harvard] item format

Three issues regarding specifications quoted in UL Harvard Styleguide 4th edition (2017)

1) there is no Item Type for 'Audiobook'. Using 'Audio Recording' produces a bibliography that prioritises the ‘performer’ (narrator) name over the book's author name, and indeed omits the author completely if data for both roles is entered – contravening the styleguide:

Author(s) name, initial(s). (year of publication of audiobook) Title of audiobook [audiobook], Narrator(s) name, initial(s). [if necessary], Name of Audiobook supplier, available: web address [accessed date].

2) Zotero is not respecting the following specification (quoted from p10 Styleguide):

Note that unlike the previous three editions of Cite It Right, there is no need to include “[online]” for references that include a web address.

3) Instead, in the square brackets, where Zotero currently exports a generic category of [online], the Styleguide demands information about the format eg: [audiobook] or [podcast] or [artwork].

Format information is not being exported from the Zotero database into the bibliography. With only URLs the bibliography shows many different media types indistinguishably. I have many online sources, all affected by this failure to export the Format field data as required by the Styleguide. Seeking fixes or workarounds or advice on when this might be fixed...
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