Downsizing Storage. Remove all pdfs from Storage but not locally.

Hi to All,

My problem is related to Storage. I want to change to free plan, because I can't pay $60 for
6Gb storage anymore.

Currently my storage has 3.5 Gb. I would like to keep the library but remove all attachments from online library.

I tried removing the file syncing options, and syncing. But web storage does not remove the pdf files.

Anyone can help me to find a way to delete all pdfs and attachments files from Zotero Storagewithout wiping my library?

  • The easiest option is to just stop file storage and then let your storage subscription run out (make sure auto-renew is turned off). Zotero will then eventually just remove the files >300MB.

    There is a purge library option under storage on the website, but no particular reason to use this over the above-suggested method.
  • Hi,

    Thanks for the answer. I actually had the same idea, but thought that it could be another way.
    Purge library could be that option I guess.

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