Timeline based on specific documents

Hi everyone,

One of the really interesting feature in Zotero is the ability to create a global timeline based on your entire library. I recently tried to make a timeline based on the articles of just one author, and it seems not possible to do so. Indeed, as mentioned previously, the is the entire library that is take in account.

It would be great to have the opportunity to select specific documents/author.
  • I just tried and it looks like the timeline displays for whichever collection you have selected. So if you want a timeline based on the articles of one author, you could either copy all the author items into a collection, or create an 'advanced search' with the author criteria and save it, and select that to display the timeline.
  • Thank you for the advice.
    At least we can use this method to have author-oriented or thematic-oriented timeline. However, adding more options for this feature, in order to simplify (or complexify) the creation of timeline would be great !
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