Counsel field in Case Item type

Hi All

I'm trying to create a style for the Case item type. How do I get the Counsel field to appear? It doesn't seem to have a CSL equivalent, so how do I call it?


  • can't be called -- we have never seen this in a citation style, I believe. Where is it used?
  • Ah. I assumed as it's an option in Zotero there would be some way to call it. I'm no expert on legal references, but one of my researchers wanted to cite this: -Complaint.pdf

    It's a complaint signed by the counsel for Doe et al. It really looks like there's no way to do this with Zotero without some kind of kludge using another Item Type, unless anyone has some suggestions. However, in this case I will probably just wait and do the reference manually close to typesetting.
  • The counsel would generally not be cited for a document line that. See section R24 here in the IndigoBook, which is compatible with the standard BlueBook for US legal referencing.

    A citation to that would include the document title, specific page number, date, and electronic filing number.

    For example:
    Pl.’s Br. 4–5, May 7, 2014.

    Pl.’s Resp. to Defs.’ Mot. for Summ. J. 14, Martinez-Mendoza v. Champion Int’l Corp., 340 F.3d 1200 (11th Cir. 2003) (No. 06-19139).

    The longer form would be appropriate for a reference in another document.

    The “counsel” field is there because such this are often useful for legal research, but it is not used in legal citation.
  • I see. Thanks for the information.
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