Feature request: Autocomplete/autofill feature like Bookends & Mendeley

edited September 4, 2021
As we have a pdf reader embedded into Zotero, having an autofill feature is quite plausible.

autofill/autocomplete feature is one of the most important features for a bibliography manager:
.- Bookends has it;
- Jabref has it;
- Mendeley also has it from the very inception (in the beta state)

The idea with the autofill feature is to complete the missing items (fields) from an Internet source.

I will show you how it works in Bookends.

Assume that you have a reference (pdf) entry with title & author, but lacks the Journal, issue and date fields.

How you complete the missing fields in Bookends is just to pull the pdf, highlight the title and hit on search.


The process is even simpler in Mendeley.

Now, I am proposing a similar feature for Zotero. We can have another tab next to the Note tab in the pdf viewer.


We can then select the Title of the pdf and fill it into the search engine. Zotero then would fetch the complete metadata and fill it to the reference.
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