Find and Replace

This is one of the most basic commands; packed even to the basic text editors.
I am frustrated that Zotero does't have this basic command.

I just want to remove a nasty character out of my library. I find no solution.
I tried the Javascript, it reports "No items found".

  • I suspect there are good reasons why there isn't a simple 'Find/Replace' option - but you should be able to use the search to find the character (depending on what you do, you could use 'All fields and tags' to find the character in the quick search toolbar option, or use the Advanced search. If you're not using the citations in a live document, you can also export the references out into something like the RIS format, and use a basic text editor to find/replace, then import them back in (which is what I mostly do, although there are risks of losing some more complex data).
  • I was also thinking to do the same. But, won't the references lose their link to the attachments, if I export and re-import them?

  • edited September 2, 2021
    Yes, the imported items would not be linked to the citations in your documents. See the note at:
  • NO, I am not worried about citations because I don't use Zotero for citations.

    I am worried about the pdf attachments.
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