resizing - abstract view

Is it possible to resize the abstract view in zotero desktop app - to make the whole thing visible?

it seems not to have a resize option / drag corner/side - but that would be so helpful.

thank you for your help/for considering

  • Not sure what you mean by that. It's just part of the item pane, which you can of course resize.

    If you're having trouble with something, can you take a screenshot that shows the problem, upload it somewhere (e.g., Dropbox or Google Drive), and provide a link here?
  • You can resize the whole pane that the abstract sits in, but you cannot control the size of the abstract view itself -
    And it seems sometimes it opens to show the WHOLE abstract; sometimes it only shows a bit of it -

    but that aside - the only options with the abstract are to reveal all of it or none of it.

    If all and it's large it can push the other data out of view.

    You know how google (used to) show a few lines of the web page in search results? Being able to set the abstract window to show a few lines while scanning everything else could be great.

    Thanks for a saturday reply

  • You can toggle the Abstract field open and closed by clicking on the "Abstract" label.
  • Yes - i just said that above:

    "but that aside - the only options with the abstract are to reveal all of it or none of it."

    and then i explained why being able to adjust that all or none pane would be great - a web page that has a box for resizing makes this pretty standard.

    is it hard to implement that - test it - for zotero?
  • No, you said "sometimes", as if it's random — I explained how to control that.

    The number of lines in the collapsed mode can't be controlled, and this isn't the sort of UI element that makes sense to be resizable in the way you're describing.

    We could consider making the collapsed mode show a few lines instead, but that probably wouldn't happen until the Abstract field is moved to the bottom of the pane, which will likely happen in a future version.
  • thank you again for making this time on the weekend.
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