abstract not added in multi-adds from pubmed results page?

Hi - thank you for the work on refining this awesome open tool.

Just noticed it *seems* abstracts don't get pulled in from pubmed when doing a multiple add from their results page.

Is there an option to switch on where we might be able to force abstracts to be added?

(this is not a problem when adding singly from pub med)

thank you
  • Single vs. multiple import from PubMed should be identical. What's a URL you are saving from? What does it say when you hover over the save to Zotero icon?
  • super - i just checked and it seems that i hit a weird run of papers (on boredom) where - amazingingly - several papers had no abstracts.

    apologies for the interruption - and thanks for confirming. Pub med adding was a bit weird for awhile so thot oh something new happening.

    thank you

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