Report id: 734770761 - OpenOffice Locks Up.

Installed Zotero 2.0b7.2 and OpenOffice Intergration 3.0a3 on Slackware Linux 12.2. Zotero works fine within Firefox for adding bib entries etc.

OpenOffice 2.4 comes up showing the Zotero icons fine after the install. However, all but the insert citation button works. And, clicking on the insert citation button causes FireFox to lock up. OO remains locked only until FF is killed. A system window eventually pops up indicating that FF is no longer functioning and requests whether it should be terminated. Hitting the terminate option shuts down FF but a Zotero generated background window (not previously visible) remains showing the above report id and requesting that after the error file is sent to Zotero that I post this message indicating the circumstances.
  • Whoops. I meant to say "none but the insert citation button works" and not that "all but ..."

    Sorry I did not notice this sooner.

    When I say that none work, I mean that left clicking on them does nothing but right clicking on them does show a help message indicating what they are for.
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