I cannot extract annotations from Zotero,please help
I am new to Zotero and want to manage the annotations. I don;t know the PDF should be attached to a file before and I know how to create a parents file now. Next I tried use manage the attachements to extract annotations but it dose not work, there is a big red X in the right. I only successfully extracted annoatations from one PDF, I did not find what is the difference btw the one and others.
Is there any reasons? Could anyone help with me?Thanks!
Is there any reasons? Could anyone help with me?Thanks!
hyeonpandaI found the difference now, the one successfully becasue I took notes from normal PDF reader so Zotero can extract the annotations but all of the notes I did in Zotero PDF reader could not extract the annotations, even I can add item note from annotations on the right place. Is it normal?
bwiernikIt sounds like you are trying to use Zotfile. With the new Zotero PDF reader, Zotfile isn’t necessary—annotations are automatically extracted.
hyeonpandaI got it, thank you!!But I want to ask how can extract the annotations to obsidians if I use the Zotero PDF reader?