Annotation capabilities in Beta iOS PDF viewer

I have been enjoying the integration of the PDF viewer, but I still find its annotation functionality to be frustratingly limited. It seems the only functionality available is highlighting (is this true?), and that's only when the text is readable (so it doesn't work for, say, scanned PDFs). Is there a way to manually highlight and also add hand-written annotations? I've updated my preferences but am still having trouble opening files in external programs (i.e. Adobe) that do have pencil tools, so it would be great if that same functionality were available in the Zotero reader.
  • It has the same annotation functionality as the PDF reader in the Zotero beta: highlights, notes, and image annotations. These integrate with the new note editor and the word processor plugin on the desktop, as explained in that post.

    Inking support is the top feature request but doesn't exist at the moment.
  • (Note that scanned PDFs often have an OCR layer, which you would be able to highlight.)
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