Style error: Journal of Paleontology


I noticed that there are some errors in Journal of Paleontology style and was wondering if someone that knows their way around XML better than I do might be willing to make some adjustments. In-text citations look okay but the bibliography is slightly off.

Link to instructions for authors:

Link to the reference style instructions with examples:

An example open access article can be found here:
(note that the journal style is not correctly reflected on the website for some reason--check the pdf)

In particular, I noticed that there are issues with the book and book chapter citation styles. Both should have the place of publication before the publisher (I think, although the instructions are a bit ambiguous on this) and the pages of the book chapter should be at the end followed by a "p." rather than directly after the title. Editor names should be in the form of [Family name], [Given Initials] and the "in" between the chapter and book part of the entry should not be capitalized and is preceded by a comma.

Appreciate the help. It's wonderful that something like Zotero is available as open source software.
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