WHO's IRIS - pdf metadata - automatic citation download - anyone would want to develop?
WHO is publishing a lot of reports and books and assigns ISBNs that can be retrieved through their catalog service at https://apps.who.int/iris/discover?query=9789241515528
When adding a WHO pdf to zotero, metadata do not allow to find the information automatically. if implemented with an IRIS search I believe this could be easily overcome.
IRIS offers export to .ris, bitex, csv, excel of the citation.
This can also work for free pdf retrieval once the IRIS search results is found as it always leads to a page where a download is offered.
I believe many are using WHO bibliography and this would be useful.
When adding a WHO pdf to zotero, metadata do not allow to find the information automatically. if implemented with an IRIS search I believe this could be easily overcome.
IRIS offers export to .ris, bitex, csv, excel of the citation.
This can also work for free pdf retrieval once the IRIS search results is found as it always leads to a page where a download is offered.
I believe many are using WHO bibliography and this would be useful.
The more important thing is that Zotero actually had a translator for WHO IRIS, but it didn't work on HTTPS URLs, which are now the default, so saving only resulted in more limited metadata. I've now fixed that, so you should now get higher-quality metadata when saving from the article page. (Your Zotero Connector should auto-update within 24 hours, or you can update manually by clicking Update Translators in the Advanced pane of the Zotero Connector preferences.) For now, you'd just want to save from the article pages instead of saving the PDF directly, and you should get the PDF attached automatically.