Single-letter journal identifiers gobbled by automatic abbreviations

I'm citing an article in Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment using the Springer - Basic (author-date) style. This style uses abbreviations, and since my Zotero database mostly doesn't have journal abbreviations, I turned on "Use MEDLINE journal abbreviations" in the document properties box in Word. The document ends up cited like:

Salon D, Boarnet MG, Handy S, et al (2012) How do local actions affect VMT? A critical review of the empirical evidence. Transp Res Part Transp Environ 17:495–508.

(note that the D is missing)

Interestingly, an article in Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behavior does not have the same problem:

Verma M, Manoj M, Verma A (2016) Analysis of the influences of attitudinal factors on car ownership decisions among urban young adults in a developing country like India. Transp Res Part F Traffic Psychol Behav 42:90–103.

Zotero seems to not abbreviate away single letters at the ends of journal titles, long-term it would be helpful if it also did not abbreviate away single letters before a colon (obviously it has to abbreviate away at least the single letter A since it's a common word).
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