URL instead of DOI

Hi, I am using sbl full note. I noticed that zotero is adding the url to the articles footnotes references. Even when I delete the url, the doi does not appears.
Could you help me know how to get the doi on the references? I think sbl prefers the doi to the urls. It also looks better.
  • Hi there, I am sorry but I cant really find any info on this issue I am having with DOI not showing up in the footnotes in a search in the furums. If anyone has any idea how I could get the doi to appear it would be really appreciated. Thank you so much.
  • We're currently not using DOI in SBL style. @dstark -- do you have any insight on when & how it should be cited? (Also, @sandrolgo, obviously, if you have the relevant section from the manual or the blog)
  • @adamsmith, SBL Style does use DOIs, but in practice it's only very occasional.

    The rule in 6.2.25 indicates that PDF ebooks that are print-identical should be cited simply as print books, not as ebooks. In practice (e.g., the journal of the SBL), this rule seems also to be applied to journal articles that are retrieved as PDFs but are identical to their print counterparts.

    That said, SBLHS speaks to situations where DOIs would be included in 6.1.6, 6.2.25, 6.3.10, 6.4.13, 6.4.14.
  • Thanks -- this is indeed not terribly clear, but sandrolgo is clearly correct that we should never use a URL where an item has a DOI; that's one of the few things SBL is very clear on in this respect. I'll take a look.
  • Dear dstark and admsmith, thank you so much for looking into that. I am sorry I did not see this before. As admsmith pointed, the sbl talks of using DOIs for articles where one is present.
    I am sorry I am knew in this area, so I cant contribute much. But I appreciate any input.
    Thank you!
  • @adamsmith, on the suggestion that "we should never use a URL where an item has a DOI," that's what I would tend to think.

    But then the ever-helpful-at-increasing-complexity-SBL-Handbook also says "Both DOI and URL may be included if desired," although this is specific to electronic journal articles (6.3.10).

    So perhaps it would be best to allow for both the DOI and the URL to be included and leave it up to the user to determine whether to populate and what to input into those fields?
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