syncing zotero db to local directory


Is there a way to sync the zotero library to a local folder such that it has the same structure than my zotero libraries?

I don't want this folder to replace the zotero db, I want it to synchronize with it.
It would be great to sync the db to a dropbox folder for example to easily access the zotero documents on any machine.
  • The easiest way to do this, of course, is to just use Zotero file storage and sync and access the files online (or on a synced app) on any machine.

    You can use ZotFile to generate linked files based on your collection structure, but that does involve a number of quirks (doesn't always happen automatically, files deleted in Zoteor aren't deleted, currently doesn't work with the beta version).
  • hmm yeah I'm currently using zotfile to "Send to Tablet" but that's not ideal.

    I will have a look at to see if I can automate a syncing of the db to a folder.
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