APA 7-I need to add retrieved from date on website as it is updated

Hi-I am using Zotero on Windows and using APA 7 in my word document. I am citing a website which is updated every year, so in my bibliography list I need retrieved on date included-how do I get this to happen? Even though in my Zotero library I do add the date I accessed the website it does not appear in my bibliography.

Any help appreciated as I don't want to have to manually include it.
  • If the previous year pages are still available, you should not include the retrieval date, as that page itself is not updated. If the previous pages are removed, delete the publication date and the access date will be included.
  • Thanks. It worked, -I removed the publication date, and date retrieved becomes included but my citation comes out as
    Office Webpage Policy (n.d-a), Office Webpage Policy (n.d-b)- don't know why the minus sign is there? That does not fit with APA 7??!

  • That does not look like what the style produces with good item metadata. Can you please show exactly what you have entered for the items (eg, take a screenshot and upload to Dropbox or similar and link here), as well as copy the text you see exactly from your document and show here?
  • The - is there on purpose though -- it's for setting off the disambiguation suffixes (a, b, c, etc.) from the n.d. (no date) acronym and I'm pretty sure it's correct APA (it definitely used to be for APA 6; I'd be surprised if they changed this)
  • (n.d.-a) and (n.d.-b) are definitely correct APA style. Some of the other punctuation in your post doesn't look right, but I can't tell if those are typos in the post or what Zotero is outputting.
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