Accessibility suggestions from myself, a disabled person

I am a massive fan of Zotero and have been using it since around 2006. As I have cerebral palsy affecting my arm control, I am up for anything to reduce the amount of key presses and mouse pointer use!

I have two suggestions / requests!

1) The use of underlined keyboard shortcuts on the right click menu


For example, when right clicking on an entry, citations, bibliography, save as RTF, save as HTML, Copy to Clipboard, and Print would all be more accessible with one underlined letter each. This would reduce TAB presses.

2) The ability to add both a citation AND bibliography entry to the clipboard at one time. Yes, I would have to cut and move one of them within my document, but I would not need to go back to Zotero.

Many aspects of accessibility fall into general usability, so make life e easier for everybody, just like wider parking spaces and automatic doors.

I would be interested in what other users think of my two requests.

Sarah (Cornwall, England)
  • Not to say 2) wouldn't be helpful but in case it's helpful for you in the meantime:

    You can use quick-copy shortcuts (ctrl+shift+a and ctrl+shift+c) to copy first the citation, then the bibliography to the clipboard, and then use Window's (since Windows 10) built-in clipboard manager via Windows-key+v to insert first one, then the other.
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