Storing references as unformatted citations

I intend to use an excel database as a template from which to make word documents. Previously I have used endnote to do this by storing references in excel as unformatted citations (e.g. {AUTHOR, YEAR #RECORD NUMBER}) and then once they come across to word they are updated to endnote formatted references and a bibliography created.
Is it possible to do this process or similar in Zotero? And will this work with a group library across our team of around 30 people?

I note that a similar discussion was posted here ( which suggest this option was being considered in a beta version.
  • Currently you have three options:
    1. is the official Zotero version, but is not super reliable (e.g. because it doesn't use record numbers at all). It also never generates active Zotero citations in Word.

    2. works reliably but is arguably a bit clunky in application and requires using LibreOffice for initially formatting citations.

    3. A third options would be a markdown/pandoc driven workflow along these lines: This is the most elegant option in many ways, but doesn't work well with a workflow that is supposed to end up in Word.

    The thread you link to is unrelated: These are active Zotero citations inserted using the Word add-on but without live updating so that the process is smoother.

    It is my hope (and I think Zotero is thinking along these lines) that once version 6/5.1 (whatever it will be called) is out, Zotero has official citekey support and would work on an official feature that combines most of the benefits of 1-3. (The 3. Workflow will continue to exist because md writing has other advantages. Options 1/2 would be superseded by an improved feature). But this is not anywhere close to existing. I'd say 1 year minimum, easily multiple years.

  • For option 3, Emiliano the BetterBibTeX developer has written a pandoc filter to convert a markdown document into a Word document with live Zotero citations
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