Zotero desktop app won't open

Hello, I am new to Zotero and I am having problems with the desktop app crashing on opening.
I downloaded version and it is installed on my local disk
Windows 10 (64bit) OS

I was able to open it and start using it several times. Now, when I try to open the app, it just flashes on the screen and closes.

  • It's closing completely? Can you get any kind of crash report from Windows?

    Are you running any sort of non-standard security software on this computer?
  • Does it open in a new profile?
  • I reinstalled it and now it seems to be working again.
    I am not sure where to find the crash report from Windows.
    Security software is Sophos anti-virus that was provided by the University.
    It appears that I can open a new profile, but that was after re-install.
    Before, it would open, but only flash on the screen for a second before closing again.

    Hope this helps! So, far I prefer this to Mendeley which I have been using for the past 5 years.

  • If your original profile is working again and you created a new one, you should delete the new one to avoid confusion. It also would've created a new Zotero data directory in your home folder named "Zotero [name of new profile]", which you can also delete. (Just don't delete your existing Zotero profile or data directory, which would be the "Zotero" folder in your home folder!)
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