Error importing from Paperpile. Report ID: 506998060

I tried importing a folder from a Paperpile RIS export file and only 55 items got imported (out of 411), before it stopped with error ID: 506998060. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.
  • We've pushed out a likely fix for this. Your copy of Zotero should auto-update within the next 10 minutes, or you can update manually by clicking Update Translators in the Advanced pane of the Zotero preferences.

    Let us know if you still have trouble after updating. (You'll likely also end up with an attachment item title with some encoded characters containing percentage signs. I'd be curious to know what the title is, since that was breaking the import.)
  • Thanks. All 411 items got imported without an error! The file that was causing problems was a Chinese paper that had not been properly processed. The original filename was 國家語言與地方通行語法制基礎之探討-2.pdf but paperpile had converted that to URL percent encoding as follows:


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