APA7 In-text citation issue


I'm encountering a new and strange issue with in-text citation in my dissertation. I'm using APA7 format and finding that, seemingly at random, some author's names are including first names within the in-text citation field. For example, where the in-text should read (Yamada, 2018), the Zotero plugin in word enters (D. Yamada, 2018). This occurs for single and multi-authors, while the first named author receives the first name error and the others do not.

I can manually edit the citation to the correct format. However, each time I update my bibliography, I run the risk of accidentally over riding my manual entries and the plugin seems to change new citations into errors.

The proposal is 250 pages and now, and moving into results, hoping I can return to fully trusting the automation. Hoping for guidance and recommendations.

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