I found a modified citation style; not sure what it does?

I found a citation style that I must have modified a while ago (it says August last year), most likely compiled of one or more online tutorials or similar threads.

However, I can no longer remember what it does differently, and when I go to preview mode, I see no difference between the modified version and the original.

I have a pdf here that compares the output from the "Style Editor".
The original style is Modern Language Association 8th Edition.
I'm sharing this via WeTransfer, but if anyone can tell me a better way to share this pdf, please let me know.


I'm just curious to find out what the modified style does differently, as there likely was a reason for my modifying it.

Thanks :)
  • You could compare the two styles here to see what is different https://www.diffchecker.com/
  • Thanks, I'm able to compare the two in word (see PDF), though I'm not sure what those differences do. Sorry, if I didn't phrase that clearly :)
  • edited June 25, 2021
    Go to the Style Editor in the Zotero preferences, get the code of the two styles and input them into above-linked diffchecker.
    Or put the modified style on pastebin.com and put the link here.
  • There's a diff in the PDF -- please generally don't make us download PDFs from sites where we need to agree to terms; it's a hassle as well as a privacy and security concern and makes it much less likely that people are going to be willing to take a look (as you can likely tell).

    Two main changes:
    1. The accessed date is always displayed for webpage items
    2. It changes the way secondary authors are displayed in a subtle way -- I think the only difference is that the same person being editor and translator will not be rendered as "edited and translated by XYZ" in your style. I'd guess that's just because your modified style predates the relevant fix to the regular MLA style.
  • Thanks. I apologize for the way I uploaded the PDF I didn't know of a better way at the time.

    Thanks for the help though!!
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