identified problem with ISI web of knowledge

Hi folks,

I have a serious problem with ISI web of knowledge site translator.

It seems to behave in an erratic way: sometimes the adress bar icon appears like it should to download bib data, and sometimes it doesn't.

when the icon is here, pointing on it shows the comment "download to Zotero (DOI)"
and true enough, after a few checks, it appears that the only pages in ISI that are readable by zotero's site translator are the pages that actually have some DOI: information in them.

it is really painful !
it means that many references are not downlaodable from ISI to zotero, whereas ISI is one of the most used bibliography search engines !

OK, there is a workaround... by saving references under a bibtex file and then importing from clipboard. but then, as zotero creates a new collection for each import operation, it means that I quickly have dozens of such collection to clean, reassemble and so on...

am I missing something, or is there someone else out here with the same problem ?

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