Write in note alongside PDF in iOS?

Is it possible to open a PDF in the app and take notes longform in the PDF viewer - ie read and take notes (not annotations) without a split screen between two apps? I'm using an iPad Air 4 to prep for comprehensive exams and it would be so nice to have everything integrated into one app - if this works I will still have to re-import all of my files as stored rather than linked to read this way, but it could be worth it, especially if there's a batch way to do that. Thanks so much!
  • Not currently, but it may be possible in a future version.
  • The simplest way to implement this would be to treat notes as annotations in the sidebar - there could be a Add Note button at the bottom, and then general item notes could be edited live in the sidebar much as annotation notes can be.
  • I do think having access to the notes while reading the PDF would be super useful. Currently you have to close the PDF, click the item info button, scroll to notes, and open notes to get to it.

    My current workaround if I need my notes visible simultaneously is to have MS Word as a smaller side app that I then just copy and paste back and forth from depending on what I need.
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