Style request : Revue archéologique de Narbonnaise format

edited June 15, 2021
Here are the main instructions that could be useful for french archaeologists.

- A link to online style documentation (e.g. for a journal, this would generally be a link to the journal's "Instructions to Authors" section). :
- ISSN 2117-5683

- In-text citation:
Two author (Campbell, Pedersen 2007)
One author (Mares 2001)
More than two authors : for example : Mares et al. 2001

- Bibliography:
Campbell, Pedersen 2007 : CAMPBELL (J. L.), PEDERSEN (O. K.) – The varieties of capitalism and hybrid success. Comparative Political Studies, 40.3, 307-332.
Book chapter :
Mares 2001 : MARES (I.) – Firms and the welfare state: When, why, and how does social policy matter to employers? In : HALL (P. A.), SOSKICE (D.) dir. – Varieties of capitalism. The institutional foundations of comparative advantage, New York, Oxford University Press, 2001, 184–213 (Collection ; Nb in Collection).
Book :
Hall, Soskice 2001 : HALL (P. A.), SOSKICE (D.) eds. – Varieties of capitalism. The institutional foundations of comparative advantage. New York, Oxford University Press, 2001, 184 p. (Collection ; Nb in Collection).

- Link for example:
  • Hi,

    I just had a go at making the style. I don't understand all the details of the french instructions, so will need your help. If something needs an edit, please provide it in the following format:

    Item type:
    current output
    wanted output

    Style is here:
  • Hi,
    Thanks for your work.

    It's not easy to identify problems when I read your code. I'm not sure to clearly understand it. What are you meaning by "item type" ?

    There's maybe some problems here :

    - 1 : current output :

    - suggested output : If there's more than two authors, use [i]et al[/i]. in citation. So I suppose, we need to put :

    - suggested output : I suppose we need to change the to don't you think ?

    - 3 :
    Current output :

    Problem : if i clearly understand, if we use the macro Author, the authors will be in uppercase in citation. It is not the case, on the contrary of Bibliography:

    - In-text citation:
    Two author (Campbell, Pedersen 2007)
    One author (Mares 2001)
    More than two authors : for example : Mares [i]et al. [/i] 2001

    It will be easier to identify problem if i could try it.

  • edited October 27, 2021
    You don't need to read the code or give me code corrections. Install the style by right-clicking on the link, saving as and then installing the .csl file.
  • Several correction. I had difficulties to find the right way to do what i wanted. I will need some time to test it for the more complex situations but it seems to be quite quite good. But the code is too long to copy it here.
  • If you know how to code .csl, I'm not sure why you requested the style in the first place?

    You can submit your own PR then. See here for how to contribute:
  • I don't know how to code .csl, but I have compared your code to other codes from other journals with similar type of citations and modified some part to test it.

    I have modified
    current output : Legoux, Périn, Vallet 2009

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